Tuesday, September 16, 2008

30 Days Of Meetup - Day 16

The Triangle Environmental Network
Entomophagy and the Environment


Join us as we explore the natural areas in the Triangle, work to conserve our local resources, and look at alternative energy issues and solutions. Meet with like-minded individuals to take action that makes a difference in our local community.

The Science Café will be held on September 16th at the Irregardless Café, Raleigh. This should be a fun and interesting café - we will be discussing entomophagy (the eating of insects for food) and how using insects as a source of protein may be beneficial to the environment.

Entomophagy, or the practice of eating insects for food, is a topic that is objectionable to many. Still, eating our six-legged friends may be a viable way to feed hundreds of millions of people while at the same time lowering humanity's impact on the environment. Join us to learn about arthropods as food -- and if you want, even sample a few on your own!

Organizer : Ken

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